Bracelet Sizing
All leather and rubber straps are self adjusting. Watches with bracelets are dispatched unsized so not to jeopardise the refund & exchange policy and also because they will be more accurately adjusted by a jeweller in your presence. You will find that most jewellery shops can adjust your bracelet while you wait for around £10.
Finance Options for L2.321.5.72.7
Option 1: 24 Months Finance - 15.9% APR Representative (Annual Rate 15.9%)
- Purchase Price
- £2,505.00 (inc. £20 insured delivery)
- Deposit
- £250.50 (10%)
- Finance Fee
- £0.00
- Finance
- £2,254.50
- APR Representative
- 15.9%
- Interest Rate
- 15.9% p.a. fixed
- 24 Monthly Repayments of
- £109.15
- Total Payable
(inc. deposit and fees) - £2,870.10
Option 2: 36 Months Finance - 15.9% APR Representative (Annual Rate 15.9%)
- Purchase Price
- £2,505.00 (inc. £20 insured delivery)
- Deposit
- £250.50 (10%)
- Finance Fee
- £0.00
- Finance
- £2,254.50
- APR Representative
- 15.9%
- Interest Rate
- 15.9% p.a. fixed
- 36 Monthly Repayments of
- £77.98
- Total Payable
(inc. deposit and fees) - £3,057.78
During the checkout process you will be redirected to the Novuna Finance online application form, allowing you to get a decision on your credit application within 4 working hours.
In order to apply for credit with Novuna Finance, you must:
- Be 18 or older
- Be either:
- In permanent paid employment (over 16 hours a week)
- Retired and receiving a pension
- In receipt of an invalidity or incapacity benefit
- A house-person with a partner in permanent paid employment
- Self-employed
- Be a UK resident (minimum of 12 months)
- Be able to provide acceptable proof of address and proof of signature
- Be able to make payments by direct debit
- Be purchasing the watch for personal use and not business use
Credit advertised is provided by Novuna Finance with whom we have a commercial relationship;
Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC trading as Novuna Consumer Finance, 2 Apex View, Leeds, LS11 9BH
Swiss Watches Direct Ltd, PO Box 117, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 9AN
Insurance Cover - Ref L2.321.5.72.7
3 years insurance cover for £349.01
This insurance is optional and will meet the demands and needs of a UK resident requiring insurance for jewellery or watches in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man plus up to 30 consecutive days elsewhere in the world any one trip.
The insurance is administered by T H March & Co. Limited, Hare Park House, Yelverton Business Park, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7LS, and they are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This may be checked on the Financial Services Register on the FCA's website.
In the unlikely event that you may wish to make a complaint, this should be directed to T H March. The complaints procedure is detailed in your insurance documentation.
It is important you read the certificate as this details the terms, conditions and any restrictions in cover.
This policy is provided by March Guard who are the appointed brokers to the Giftware Association and have been the official brokers to the British Jewellers Association for around 40 years. For full information, visit their website
The main benefits of our insurance cover are as follows:
- 3 years accidental damage cover
- 3 years cover if lost, stolen (except from cars) or damaged (beyond repair)
- UK & worldwide cover (up to 30 consecutive days abroad)
- No excess
Important Notice:
If you want cover, but believe that you are covered on your household insurance, then we advise that you contact them to confirm this as many household insurances have limited watch & jewellery cover (especially abroad) with claims carrying £50+ excesses and affecting future premiums. Finally, while you are considering the benefits of this policy, you may purchase your watch without the policy and add it on prior to delivery.
The full terms and conditions shown on the issued certificate are as follows:

March Guard Jewellery 3 Year Insurance Policy
This insurance is optional and will meet the demands and needs of a UK resident requiring insurance for jewellery or watches within the geographical limits stated overleaf and is only available in connection with the purchase of the items to be insured.
This is to certify that this insurance is underwritten by certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s and led by S.A. Meacock and Others, Syndicate 727, in accordance with the authorisation granted to the undersigned under contract number UMRB0600A2012823 or any subsequent updating contract. The Underwriters’ obligations under this insurance are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. Eachsubscribing Underwriter is not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing Underwriter who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of their obligations.
Cover Provided
In consideration of payment of the premium stated on the attached purchase receipt the Underwriters agree subject to the terms and conditions of this insurance to REPAIR if accidentally damaged during the period of insurance, or REPLACE if lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair during the period of insurance, the items described on the attached purchase receipt, whilst anywhere within the Geographical Limits stated below.
This certificate does not entitle the Assured to a cash settlement in the event of a claim.
Period of Insurance
As shown on the insurance certificate.
The Assured
The purchaser or owner whose name and address is shown on the insurance certificate.
Geographical Limits
The United Kingdom (including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) plus up to thirty (30) consecutive days elsewhere.
You may cancel the certificate within 14 days of purchase for a full refund provided no claims have been made. No refund will be given for cancellation after this 14 day period has expired.
This insurance is NOT renewable.
Cover beyond the period of this insurance may be arranged through T H March & Co Limited or via
In Witness Whereof this certificate has been signed by T H March & Co Limited
Complaints Procedure
If you wish to make a complaint you can do so at any time by referring the matter to either: March Guard Department, T H March & Co Limited, Hare Park House, Yelverton Business Park, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7LS
Tel: 01822 855555 Fax: 01822 855566 E-mail:
In the event that you remain dissatisfied, you can refer the matter to the complaints team at Lloyd’s: Complaints Lloyd’s, Fidential House, Walter Burke Way, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent. ME4 4RN
Tel: 020 7327 5693 Fax: 020 7327 5225 E-mail: Website:
Details of Lloyd’s complaints procedures are set out in a leaflet “Your Complaint - How We Can Help” available at and are also available from the above address. If you remain dissatisfied after Lloyd’s has considered your complaint, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The contact details for the FOS are: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Tel: 0800 023 4567 (calls to this number are free from “fixed lines” in the UK) or 0300 123 9123 (calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers on mobile phone tariffs in the UK). Email:
Our Regulator
T H March & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Underwriters at Lloyd’s are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Further details can be found on the Financial Services Register at
Underwriters at Lloyd’s are members of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if the Underwriters are unable to meet their obligations to you under this contract. If you were entitled to compensation under the Scheme, the level and extent of the compensation would depend on the nature of this contract. Further Information about the scheme is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme 10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St. Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU
Website: Tel: 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100
Inflation Provision, applicable only to 3 year policies:
If, as a result of inflation, the Replacement Value(s) shown on this Certificate prove(s) inadequate to repair or replace the item(s), the Replacement Value(s) will be increased to allow fair repair or replacement, but such increase shall not exceed 20% of the original value(s).
- Any individual item of jewellery exceeding £5,000 in value or any watch exceeding £3,500 in value.
- Any Insured person not resident in the United Kingdom.
- Any item composed entirely of brittle material.
- Any losses from baggage, clothing or other belongings unless such baggage, clothing or belonging is being carried by hand or worn by the Assured or by any other person to whom the Assured has given the insured item as a gift.
- Any item stolen from an unattended vehicle.
- Any cost of repair or replacement which would improve an insured item beyond its condition immediately before the occurrence of the loss or damage leading to a claim being made.
- Any loss or damage attributable to:
- the actions of mechanical or electrical breakdown (in the case of a watch or a clock),
- the actions of moth, vermin, gradual deterioration, wear and tear or design defect, or
- the process of cleaning, repair or renovation.
- Any loss or legal liability whatsoever arising from:
- ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel,
- the radioactive, toxic, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or its component parts.
- Any loss or damage arising from:
- war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, acts of military or usurped power,
- confiscation, nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority.
General Conditions
- All repairs and replacements must be carried out by the issuing Jeweller.
- The maximum cost of repair or replacement will not exceed the price paid for an item as shown on the purchase receipt, unless a different replacement price is also shown on the purchase receipt in which case the maximum payment shall not exceed the replacement price.
- When the Underwriter settles a claim for the replacement of an item, or where the sum insured is used up in its repair, the premium for that item will be deemed to have been utilised and all cover on that item will cease with immediate effect.
- All steps must be taken to prevent loss or damage and maintain the items in good condition.
- The Underwriter may cancel this certificate by giving thirty (30) days notice of such cancellation in writing to the Assured at their last known address and the premium will be adjusted on the basis of the Underwriter receiving or retaining the appropriate proportionate premium. This will only be done for a valid reason such as:
- Non-payment of premium
- Non co-operation or failure to supply documentation requested
- Unless specifically agreed in writing by the Underwriters this insurance shall be governed by the laws of England and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UK Courts.
- If you (the Assured) make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in respect of any loss or the amount involved, this claim could be declined and all future claims made under it could be forfeited.
Cyber losses
The criteria for determining which claims are payable under this insurance are as set out elsewhere in this certificate and these criteria will be used whether or not you consider that the event(s) which have led to any loss(es) are cyber-related.
Claims Procedure
Should you need to make a claim under this certificate contact the Jeweller that issued this certificate to notify the loss at your earliest opportunity and within thirty (30) days in any event. In addition, you must ALWAYS notify the police, even when abroad, of any loss caused by theft or the disappearance of an item and obtain a crime reference/lost property number where one is issued, and you must provide the Jeweller (or any person appointed by the Underwriters) with any information, documentation, or evidence of the loss. Failure to comply with these requirements could lead to the claim being rejected.
Your Jeweller will ask you to complete a simple claim form regarding the circumstances of the loss. Your claim will be passed on to the Underwriters and if they decide that an insured loss has taken place and settlement is agreed by the Underwriters, your Jeweller will either replace a lost item from stock or arrange for a damaged item to be repaired and the invoice for repair/replacement will be sent to TH March for settlement direct with your Jeweller.
If you are unhappy with the way your claim is being handled you should follow the procedure shown above to make your complaint.
Your Personal Information Notice
Who we are
We are the Lloyd's underwriter(s) identified in this certificate of insurance.
The basics
We collect and use relevant information about you to provide you with your insurance cover or the insurance cover that benefits you and to meet our legal obligations.
This information includes details such as your name, address and contact details and any other information that we collect about you in connection with the insurance cover from which you benefit.
The way insurance works means that your information may be shared with, and used by, a number of third parties in the insurance sector for example, insurers, agents or brokers, reinsurers, loss adjusters, sub-contractors, regulators, law enforcement agencies, fraud and crime prevention and detection agencies and compulsory insurance databases. We will only disclose your personal information in connection with the insurance cover that we provide and to the extent required or permitted by law.
Want more details?
For more information about how we use your personal information please see our full privacy notice(s), which is/are available online on our website(s) or in other formats on request.
Contacting us and your rights
You have rights in relation to the information we hold about you, including the right to access your information. If you wish to exercise your rights, discuss how we use your information or request a copy of our full privacy notice(s), please contact us, or the agent or broker that arranged your insurance who will provide you with our contact details at: T H March & Co Limited, Hare Park House, Yelverton Business Park, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7LS, telephone no. 01822 855555 or
Download Insurance Policy as PDF Download March Guard IPID as PDF Download Customer Product Information Sheet (PDF)
What Makes Us Better?
We only sell watches that are brand new issued with a 20% VAT receipt (20% VAT is only applicable on brand new goods) - Beware of watches that are sold as ‘unworn’ or ‘as new’
We only sell watches that are issued with the official international manufacturer’s activated or dealer stamped warranty – Beware of watches that are sold with an in-house internet warranty (only the manufacturer’s warranty provides provenance, protecting the value of your watch)
We check every watch before delivery to ensure that the watch, box, manuals and paperwork are perfect – The vast majority of our watches are ordered in from the manufacturer for you to ensure that everything is perfect (not old stock or ex-display)
We have been in business since 2005 building up a great deal of accreditation, including being authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We also have over 3000 customer reviews collated and made available to view on Trustpilot’s website
Taking everything into account, we believe that Swiss Watches Direct offers the best UK internet deal combining great prices with a brand new watch that will be identical in all respects to you having bought direct from the authorised dealer.